2014 AS media coursework

More film opening analyses...

Your tasks over the next week will be to do some more comprehensive textual analysis of opening sequences of your choice. You will need to discuss how camera, editing, sound and mise en scene have been used to create meaning in the clip. The clip should be between two and five minutes and should be of different genres.

Watch it a few times, taking notes first on camera and mise en scene which is the most obvious and visual and then once you know these well focus on sound and editing which are 'invisible' but just as meaningful and a little harder to write about. This is also a great skill to develop for next May's exam.

Camera - Frame, Angle, Movement
Mise En Scene - Costume, Lighting, Actors, Makeup, Props and Setting
Sound - Diegetic, Non diegetic, parallel/contrapuntal, Music, Voiceover, Sound Effects
Editing - Transitions, Order of Narrative and Pace