2014 AS media coursework

Blog check

Hi everyone

Hopefully now we'll all be settled into our new classes, it's been lovely meeting you all and we have asked that you do a lot, so well done for keeping on top of it all.

We will be doing regular blog checks to make sure you're on the right track and at the right level. So far, expected to be on your blogs is the following:

- Genre and opening sequence analysis (DISTINCT) setting, themes, icons, narrative, characters, textual analysis (camera, editing, sound and mise en scene)
- Image/poster analysis
- Narrative analysis with opening sequence of your choice
- Pitch presentation - powerpoint uploaded onto slideshare (set up slideshare account)
Extra challenge - add a gadget and then link to main media blog and call it Media Hub

Some of you have your labels organised. These are the links down the side of your blog that take you to your work. If you go to design and then layout, click on add a gadget, then scroll down and add labels. Every time you write a new post, attach a label to it. These should be: research, planning, construction, evaluation, LAP charts, so if you are doing a genre or narrative task label it research too so it comes under that heading. Any problems, questions please find us. My work email is Mrs Field is and Mr Amato is on